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Xu, J (2022). '"Telling China's stories well" through influencers (wanghong): Rethinking China's soft power and public diplomacy in the influencer era'. Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) Conference 2022, Monash University, 5-8 July 2022.


Xu, J (2022). "Telling China’s anti-pandemic stories well’: Documentaries for public diplomacy and the paradox of China’s soft power". 72nd Annual ICA Conference, Paris, 26-30 May 2022. 


Xu, J (2021). ‘‘Follow me! I can teach you how to come to Australia to make money!’:Brokering transnational Chinese labour migration through Kuaishou’. Re-worlding Chinese Transnationalisms: An Online International Symposium, The University of Melbourne, 26-27 August.


Xu, J (2021). ‘Governing entertainment celebrities in China: Practices, policies and politics (2005-2020)’. Information Communication and Artificial Networks (ICAN 4), Delhi Metropolitan Education, New Delhi, India, 6 July.


Xu, J (2021). ‘Maintaining ideological legitimacy: Governing cyber historical nihilism in China’. The 18th Chinese Internet Research Conference, RMIT, 25-27 June.


Xu, J (2021). ‘Coping with the ‘double bind’ through dual vlogging: Pandemic citizenship of Chinese international students’. Coronavirus and its Impact on International Students, RMIT, 10 February.


Xu, J (2020). ‘Regulation of COVID-19 fake news infodemic in China and India’, Asian Pandemic Roundtable (Tsinghua-Deakin), Zoom Webinar, 23 September.


Xu, J (2019). ‘From technological issue to military-diplomatic affairs: Analysis of China’s official cybersecurity discourse (1994-2016)’, #AoIR 2019 Brisbane, QUT, 2-5 October.


Xu, J (2019). ‘The rise and fall of MC Tianyou’, Chinese Studies Association of Australia 16th Biennial Conference, La Trobe University, 1-3 July


Xu, J (2018). ‘Smog pollution as discursive event: A critical study on smog communication in China’, The Asian Conference on Media, Communication & Film (MediAsia), October 9-11, Tokyo, Japan


Xu, J (2018). ‘Changing platformativity of China’s female wanghong’, Comparative Communication Study International Symposium, October 1-3, Deakin University


Xu, J (2017). ‘China’s contested youth digital citizenship: Between youth digital activism and ‘civilized’ governmentality’, Youth, Digital Participation and Citizenship in the Asia Pacific, ADI Deakin University, 8-9 November.


Xu, J (2017). ‘Governing entertainment in China: Media and celebrity industries and Communist Party policies (2006-2016)’, Chinese Studies Association of Australia 15th Biennial Conference, Macquarie University, 10-12 July.


Xu, J (2017). ‘Digitally-enabled fan philanthropy: Case study on the fans of Li Yuchun’, Cultures of Knowledge: Creative Economy and China, Summer School and Conference, Curtin University, Perth, 7-11 February.


Xu, J (2016). ‘Internet and the transformation of China’s political culture’, Sydney Democracy Network (SDN) Annual Encounter 2016 with Professor Yu Keping, University of Sydney, 12 April. 


Xu, J (2016), ‘Research and praxis about China’s Internet events: A critical perspective from the sociology of knowledge’, The 14th Chinese Internet Research Conference (CIRC), Shanghai, 14-15 June.


Xu, J (2015). ‘Celebrity-inspired, fan-driven: Doing philanthropy through social media in mainland   China’, The 9th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Adelaide, 5-9 July.


Xu, J (2014). ‘Online weiguan as a cultural metaphor: Historical origins and political implications’, International Communication Association (ICA) Regional Conference 2014, Brisbane, Australia, 1–3 October.


Xu, J (2012). ‘New media and new visibility’, Annual Conference of China   Communication Association 2012, Jinan, China, 22–23 July.


Xu, J (2012). ‘The politics of online weiguan: Case study on the Wenzhou high-speed train crash’, CCI Winter School, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, 21–27 June.


Xu, J (2011). ‘The writing of disruptive media events: Case study on the 2008 Sichuan earthquake’, China’s Media in a Global Context, Ningbo Nottingham, China, 5–6 May.


Xu, J (2010). ‘‘Contesting media spectacle: Shanzhai media culture as cybersituation’ Asian Conference on Media and Mass Communication, Osaka, Japan 28–30 October.


Xu, J (2009). ‘Mapping alternative journalistic practices in China’s cyberspace’, Annual Conference of Australian & New Zealand Communication Association 2009 (PhD workshop), Brisbane, Australia, 7 July.

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